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Below is a list of all you will need both individually, and as a team, on the day. Please make sure you read it carefully and pack everything - as without it you will not be allowed to take part!

Individual Kit

A pair of Walking Boots - must provide ankle support and have a deep sole tread

A pair of warm full-length trousers - Jeans and thin tracksuits are unsuitable

3 Long Sleeve Tops - must be sufficient to retain heat in extreme condititions

A pair of Gloves and a Hat - must be sufficient to retain heat in extreme conditions

A Cagoule/Waterproof Coat

A pair of Waterproof Trousers

A Whistle

Some Emergency Provisions - e.g. a chocolate bar/Kendal Mint Cake

A Torch - fully charged and with spare batteries

Food for the day

A Mug - for hot drinks at checkpoints

A Full Water Container (minimum 33cl)

A Pen or Pencil - for usage in emergencies

A Plastic Survival Bag

A Yellow Day-glo Tabard (This will be available from the organisers at the start and must be worn or displayed at all times)

Team Kit

Two sets of OS Maps - to cover the whole route, at least 1:50,000 in scale (Map no.98 and 99)

Two Compasses

Two First Aid Kits - with a selection of plasters, bandages and dressings

Two Mobile Phones - charged and switched on (to allow tracing by emergency services and to contact the event staff)

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